Lecture at Westminster University

On the 1st of March 2021 Event-able has been invited by the University of Westminster and Professor Dr. Andrew Smith for a talk on World Events. The team had a great opportunity to exchange ideas with the students of the course “Global Events, Global Cities and Tourism”.

We not only had the change to present our research work on past World Events, but even more, we took this opportunity to talk about COVID-19 and how this has and is shaping our cities and the world of events. We talked about events that have been “paused” in 2020, how cities are responding to this unprecedent situation and how future events could potentially change due to this year’s crisis.

The discussion lead to interesting topics on how future strategies could be adopted and challenge the world of events, how cities and events infrastructures must be ready to adapt, to be flexible to potentially host different uses from the ones they have been designed for.

How would it be the future world event for a city like London ? In these times of post Brexit and Covid, could London bid for another Mega Events of the size of London 2012 Olympic Games as a statement and a worldwide window, or should the City think of a different type of event spread across the city such as the cultural events “ECOC – European Capital of Culture” ?